Itinerary - Colombia 360°: Bogota, Medellin and beyond

day 1

Welcome to Colombia!

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Round trip flights are not included in the package, so you can choose from where and when you want to fly.

After our check-in at the hotel, let's get together for our welcome meeting. In order to start this adventure on the right foot, let's get the Latin rhythm of Bogotá running through our veins! As we get familiar with each other and with this new country we will soon realise we'll have fallen in love with it by the end of the tour.

Not included: meals and drinks

day 2

Bogotá: colonial buildings and graffiti


Let's begin our visit of Bogotá from the top. What a better way to take in the whole of the Colombian capital than a bird's-eye view? We can hop on the cable car to reach the summit of Mount Monserrate. Although the altitude may leave us a bit breathless, the view of the sprawling city in the valley will be absolutely thrilling, making it the perfect starting point for our adventure.

The streets of Bogotá

In the afternoon, we can head to Bogotá's old town – Candelaria – which is centred around Plaza Bolivar. Let's stroll through the charming, narrow streets of this neighbourhood, taking in the exquisite colonial architecture and admiring the graffiti of renowned South American street artists that have become a popular attraction. While exploring Candelaria, we cannot miss the famous Gold Museum, which is a must-visit for anyone interested in learning about pre-colonial Colombia. We can also check out the Botero Museum, which is dedicated to the works of the most famous Colombian artist.

Money pot: additional transport and excursions

Not included: meals and drinks

day 3

Salento and coffee plantations

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Welcome to Salento!

Early stat today to explore the beautiful town of Salento in the Quindio area – one of the 32 departments of Colombia. After reaching the airport, we catch the first domestic flight towards this historic town. Upon arrival, let's drop off our backpacks and immerse ourselves in the breathtaking scenery. Surrounded by lush green mountains and thriving coffee plantations, Salento is truly a magical place.

For lunch we will stop at a cosy local restaurant to sample a delicious meal before unlocking the secrets of the region's most famous drink – coffee!

Coffee aroma

Salento, Filandia and Armenia are renowned for their thriving coffee industry, making this area of Colombia one of the most famous coffee-producing regions in the world. With this in mind, what a better way to spend our afternoon than at a coffee finca? Learning about the production process will give way to sipping the rich, full-bodied, local Arabica brews.

Our knowledgeable guide will lead us through the lush plantations, providing insightful information on the different stages of coffee cultivation, including the optimal time for bean harvesting. We then get the chance to relax and connect with the friendly locals over a steaming cup of coffee.

Included: internal flight, coffee excursion and land transfer

Money pot: additional transport and excursions

Not included: meals and drinks

day 4

Cocora Valley: surrounded by the tallest palm trees in the world!

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The tallest palm trees in the world

This morning we will explore the Valle del Cocora, which is located 15 km east of Salento and extends up to the slopes of the Parque Natural de los Nevados. As soon as we arrive in the park, the ginormous palm trees will take over the landscape. The national trees of Colombia can reach up to 60 metres in height! We have the option of exploring the valley on foot, on horseback or on the traditional Colombian jeeps called Willy. We will pass through forests and rivers, and if we are in luck we may even be able to see the hummingbirds that live around here!

Walking around Salento

After enjoying a delicious lunch, we have the entire afternoon free to explore the charming town of Salento. With its numerous local handicraft shops selling unique Colombian artesanías, it's the perfect opportunity to browse and buy some memorable souvenirs. As the day starts to wind down and the sun begins to set, we make our way to the Mirador – a viewpoint that offers stunning panoramic views of Salento and its picturesque surroundings. And it's soon dinner time, so let's go back into town for a scrumptious meal!

Money pot: transportation and any entrance fees

Not included: meals and drinks

day 5

Medellin and the Comuna 13

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A Colombian symbol

Rise and shine! Early start today and we have the longest journey of our tour ahead of us. Despite the lengthy transfer, we make the most of the time by relaxing and taking in the scenic views along the way. We'll certainly sleep a few winks, helping us to recharge the battery for the rest of the day.

Our arrival in Medellín is perfectly timed for lunch. While the city is often associated with the notorious Pablo Escobar and his violent legacy, there is much more to this vibrant destination. In fact, Medellin was named the world's most innovative city by the Time magazine in 2013: a testament to the city's progress and forward-thinking attitude. Affectionately known as "Medallo" by its residents, this Colombian gem symbolises a spirit of rebirth and optimism.

Wandering around Comuna 13

We will have ample opportunity to discover the wonders of Medellín using its innovative transport system: from the local metro to the cable car and the trams, we'll have plenty of choices to explore every corner of the city. However, we have a must-see destination on today's schedule: a walking tour of the Comuna 13. Once a notoriously violent neighbourhood perched on a mountain, the Comuna 13 has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years. With the implementation of open-air escalators built by the municipality, the area has become more accessible and attractive to tourists. It'll be thrilling to witness first hand how this neighbourhood has been revitalised after years of neglect. Medellín's magic is truly remarkable!

Included: transfer from Salento to Medellín and walking tour to Comuna 13

Money pot: other transport and any entrance fees

Not included: meals and drinks

day 6

Guatapé and Piedra del Peñol

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A day in Guatapé

We will spend the whole day in beautiful Guatapé, known as the most colourful city in the whole of Colombia . Not too far away is also the famous Peñón de Guatapé, also called Piedra del Peñol, a granite monolith which has become a national monument: there are quite a few steps to climb to the top, but apparently the view is among the most beautiful in the whole country, and since we are here… let's check it out! As night falls, we're truly spoilt for choice in Medellín thanks to its vibrant nightlife. Shall we go clubbing?

Included: private transport and guide to Guatapé and Piedra del Peñol

Money pot: any entrance fees

Not included: meals and drinks

day 7

A day around Medellín

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Exploring El Basurero de Moravia and Ayacucho...

Buenos días, it's our third day in Medellín and we are presented with a plethora of activities to choose from! We could begin with a visit to El Basurero de Moravia, a former landfill that has been transformed into a plant nursery. Alternatively, we could explore Ayacucho, a pedestrian street adorned with graffiti and bustling with modern trams.

Another option is to head to Ciudad del Río, the city park that serves as a popular meeting place for young locals, which also surrounds the MAMM – the Museum of Modern Art. Why not visit the Parque de los Deseos, another favoured gathering place which leads to the impressive University of Antioquia, the delightful Jardín Botanico, and the interactive science museum, Parque Explora. The options are endless, and we are bound to have a great time!

Comuna 13

Alternatively, we could return to Comuna 13 with different eyes. Two days ago we visited the liveliest area, but Comuna 13 was built on a hill and on the other side live thousands of people who have less opportunity to have contact with travellers. Here we have the opportunity to support a local social project dedicated to the children of the municipality, so that they can enrich their education, be safe and have an alternative to the poverty that characterizes this area.

Money pot: transportation and any entrance fees

Not included: meals and drinks

day 8

Camping in Tayrona National Park

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Welcome to Tayrona

We wake up early once again, as we have a flight to catch! Today we bid farewell to Medellín and say hello to Santa Marta. As we leave the hinterland behind, the sparkling blue ocean comes into view, albeit from a distance. Upon arrival in Santa Marta we will get our private transfer to the entrance of the Tayrona National Park, an absolute Colombian gem. A hike separates us from our final destination: the Cabo San Juan campsite, where we will be spending the night in a tent. It can't get any more authentic than this!

Breathe in the sea breeze

As we walk through Tayrona National Park to reach our campsite at Cabo San Juan, we're constantly surrounded by the natural beauty of this vast protected area. With over 120 sq km of protected land and 30 sq km of coral-filled seabed, there's plenty to explore. We have the whole afternoon to enjoy this paradise, relax on the beach, and soak up the tranquility of nature. As night falls, we're in for a special treat – sleeping under the stars in the pristine wilderness. Get ready for an unforgettable evening!

Included: domestic flight, transfer and entrance ticket to Tayrona National Park

Not included: meals and drinks

day 9

From Tayrona to Cartagena

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Another day in the park

Good morning Tayrona Park, let's to make the most of it! We can relax by the sea or go on a walk through nature. In the afternoon we'll return to the park entrance where we'll catch a bus to Cartagena via Santa Marta. It will be a bit of a shock to return to city life after a night in the park, but the show must go on! We'll spend the evening exploring Cartagena, the jewel of the Caribbean coast.

Included: transfer from Tayrona to Cartagena

Money pot: transportation and any entrance fees

Not included: meals and drinks to be paid by the individual participants.

day 10

Chilling in Cartagena

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A day of relaxation

Today we're slowing our pace in the beautiful city of Cartagena. After long transfers, exciting adventures and domestic flights, it feels good to chill and enjoy the lazy atmosphere of the place. We have the entire day to explore every corner of this city and get lost in its vibrant streets lined with colourful houses. We can also take our time to shop for souvenirs for our friends (and ourselves!) and indulge in the delicious local cuisine, which is renowned for being among the best in the country.

Money pot: any additional group activity

Not included: meals and drinks

days 11, 12

Isla del Rosario: a paradise archipelago

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Arrival in the archipelago

We bid farewell to Cartagena and set sail for Isla del Rosario, an archipelago consisting of 27 coral islets. Words alone cannot do justice to the breathtaking beauty of this paradise; we must experience it at first hand. With two full days to spend here, we will be more than ready to indulge in the crystal clear waters and soak up the sun on pristine white-sand beaches.

Beach time!

Once in Isla del Rosario, the two largest islands of the archipelago, we will have the chance to wander through the lush mangrove vegetation that grows on the beaches, most of which are covered in fine white sand – a postcard-like paradise. For those seeking adventure and adrenaline, there is no shortage of water sports, as well as plenty of opportunities for snorkelling in order to admire the sea from a different perspective. One thing is certain: for the next two days, the only thing we will need is our swimwear!

Included: transfer from Cartagena to Isla del Rosario

Money pot: boat to Isla Grande and any excursions

Not included: meals and drinks

day 13

Back to Bogotá

Travel day

Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye to this beautiful archipelago. We're leaving with heavy hearts after two incredible days. However, we must return to Bogotá, and today will be a long day of travelling. In the morning, we'll leave the mainland and return to Cartagena from Baru, where we'll catch a flight back to our starting point. Once in Bogotá and after a reinvigorating shower, it's time for a quiet dinner. We'll have to make the most of the last day of our tour tomorrow, so let's save our energy!

Included: transfer from Isla del Rosario to Cartagena and internal flight from Cartagena to Bogotá

Money pot: additional excursions

Not included: meals and drinks

day 14

Goodbye Colombia

Check out and goodbye

It’s time to say goodbye… see you on the next WeRoad adventure!

End of services:

The itinerary may undergo some variations that differ from what is stated above. These variations may not be foreseen nor dependent on WeRoad’s control, i.e. climate conditions, national holidays, strikes, etc.

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