Laura Corbetta

Lives in London
Visited countries
Ciao WeRoaders, Laura speaking 😊 I'm Italian by blood, and Londoner by choice. During the day, I happily work as a financial analyst and that’s the reason why I moved to the UK in the first place. I love it, but when the weather gets too grey, I start dreaming of sunny destinations. My greatest “fear”? Being bored. I’m a life enthusiast, an adventurous traveller, an eager reader, and a sport/gym addict, proudly run my first marathon this year. My bucket list is long and ever-changing; at the top, you might read ‘travel in 100+ countries’, ‘visit the seven Wonders of the World’, ‘hike the Himalayas’. Are you ready to tick off the list some of these items with me? Book your next trip! What are you waiting for? Remember, we only live once 🥳